Rank & CKC Points Score

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CKC Quiz Results
Toppers: Earth Quiz
1 Sindhuja Reddy
2 Parth Kukreja, Anubhav Pal
2 Parth Kukreja, Anubhav Pal
Toppers: World Quiz
1 Shreya Srinivas, Devansh Arora
2 Aradhya Bhardwaj, Chethan Baveja, Manas Verma
2 Aradhya Bhardwaj, Chethan Baveja, Manas Verma
Toppers: Health Quiz
1 Noopur Sharma, Mayank Kaushik
2 Anubhav Pal, Samarth Srivastava
2 Anubhav Pal, Samarth Srivastava
These are rank wise lists of all participants
The ranks are allocated based on 1st time score, not multiple times.