Q) Solve for x and y:

\frac{\times}{2} + \frac{2Y}{3} = -1; \times - \frac{Y}{3} = 3

Ans: Let’s take the equations one by one:

\frac{\times}{2} + \frac{2Y}{3} = -1

3X + 4 Y = – 6 ………. (i)

Similarly, \times - \frac{Y}{3} = 3

We can write this as:

\frac{\times}{1} - \frac{Y}{3} = 3

3X – Y = 9 ….. (ii)

By solving equations (i) and (ii), we get:

X = 2

and Y = – 3

Therefore value of X is 2 and value of Y is -3.

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