Q)   India is competitive manufacturing location due to the low cost of manpower and strong technical and engineering capabilities contributing to higher quality production runs. The production of TV sets in a factory increases uniformly by a fixed number every year. It produced 16000 sets in 6th year and 22600 in 9th year.

India is competitive manufacturing location due to the low cost of  10th Maths Basic_Sample_2023-24_Q 36

1) In which year, the production is 29,200 sets?
2) Find the production in the 8th year.
Find the production in first 3 years.
3) Find the difference of the production in 7th year and 4th year.

Ans: Here, we are given that “production of TV sets in a factory increases uniformly by a fixed number every year”. It clearly means that this will form an AP where:

a  = Number of TV sets manufactured in first year

and d = Increase of TV sets every year (that fixed number increasing uniformly every year)

(i) Year of producing 29,200 sets:

We know that the nth term of an AP is given by: Tn  =  a + (n-1) d

Therefore, value of 6th term, T6 = a + (6 – 1) x d = 16000 (given in the question)

a + 5 d = 16000 ……….. (i)

Also, value of 9th term, T9 = a + (9 – 1) x d = 22,600    (given in the question)

a + 8 d = 22600 ……….. (ii)

By subtracting equation (i) from equation (ii), we get:

3 d = 6600 or d = 2200

By substituting value of d in equation (i), we get

a = 16000 – 5 x 2200 or a = 5000

Now, let’s consider the factory will produce 29,200 TV sets in nth year, hence,

Tn  =  a + (n-1) d

29200 =  5000 + (n – 1) x 2200

24200 = (n – 1) 2200

26400 = 2200 x n

or n = \frac{26400}{2200} = 12

Therefore, Factory will produce 24,200 TV sets in 12th year.

(ii) a. Production in the 8th year:

We know that the nth term of an AP is given by: Tn  =  a + (n-1) d

Production of 8th year will be 8th term in the AP….

Therefore, T8 = 5000 + (8 – 1) x 2200 = 5000 + 7 x 2200

= 5000 + 15400 = 20400

Therefore, in 8th year, factory will produce 20,400 TV sets.


(ii) b. Production in first 3 years:

The production in first 3 years will actually be addition of TV sets produced in 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year.

Or we can sum up first 3 terms:

We know that the sum of n terms of an AP is given by: Sn  = \frac{n}{2} (2a + (n-1) d)

Hence, sum of 3 terms S3  = \frac{3}{2} (2 x 5000 + (3 – 1) 2200) = 21600

Therefore, production of first 3 years will be 21,600 TV sets.

(iii)  Difference of the production in 7th year and 4th years:

We know that the nth term of an AP is given by: Tn  =  a + (n-1) d

Therefore, value of 7th term, T7 = 5000 + (7 – 1) x 2200 = 18200

And, value of 4th term, T4 = 5000 + (4 – 1) x 2200 = 11600

Hence, the difference between the two values = 18200 – 11600 = 6600

Therefore, difference of production in 7th year and 4th years is 6,600 TV sets.

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