Q)  Manpreet Kaur is the national record holder for women in the shot-put discipline. Her throw of 18.86m at the Asian Grand Prix in 2017 is the maximum distance for an Indian female athlete. Keeping her as a role model, Sanjitha is determined to earn gold in Olympics one day.

Manpreet Kaur is the national record holder for women in the shot-put discipline.  CBSE 10th board Sample paper 2023 Important questions

Initially her throw reached 7.56m only. Being an athlete in school, she regularly practiced both in the mornings and in the evenings and was able to improve the distance by 9cm every week.
During the special camp for 15 days, she started with 40 throws and every day kept increasing the number of throws by 12 to achieve this remarkable progress.
(i) How many throws Sanjitha practiced on 11th day of the camp?
(ii) What would be Sanjitha’s throw distance at the end of 6 weeks?
When will she be able to achieve a throw of 11.16 m?
(iii) How many throws did she do during the entire camp of 15 days?





We can clearly see that here we are given 2 APs:

AP of throw distance with a = 7.56 m and d = 9 cm = 0.09 m

AP of number of throws with a = 40 and d = 12

(i) Throws on 11th day:

The throws on 11th day will be given by 11th term of AP of number of throws with a = 40 and d = 12

We know that the nth term of an AP is given by: Tn  =  a + (n-1) d

Therefore, value of 11th term, T11 = 40 + (11 – 1) x 12 = 160

Therefore, Sanjitha practiced 160 throws on 11th day.

(ii) Sanjitha’s throw distance at the end of 6 weeks:

The throw distance at end of 6 weeks will be given by 7th term of AP of throw distance with a = 7.56 m and d = 0.09 m

We know that the nth term of an AP is given by: Tn  =  a + (n-1) d

Therefore, value of 7th term, T7 = 7.56 + (7 – 1) x 0.09 = 8.10 m

Therefore, Sanjitha’s throw distance at the end of 6 weeks will be 8.10 m


(iii) Achieving throw of 11.16 m:

Let’s consider that the throw distance of 11.16 m will be achieved at end of nth week.

We will calculate the value of n by AP of throw distance with a = 7.56 m and d = 0.09 m

We know that the nth term of an AP is given by: Tn  =  a + (n-1) d

Therefore, 11.16 = 7.56 + (n – 1) x 0.09

3.60 = (n -1) x 0.09

\therefore n = 41

Therefore, Sanjitha will achieve throw of 11.16 m at the end of 40 weeks.

(iii) Number of throws done during 15 days:

The number of throws in 15 days will be given by sum of 15 terms of AP of number of throws with a = 40 and d = 12

We know that the sum of n terms of an AP is given by: Sn  = \frac{n}{2} (2a + (n-1) d)

Hence, sum of 15 terms Sn  = \frac{15}{2} (2 x 40 + (15 – 1) 12)

= \frac{15}{2} (80 + 168)  = 15 x 124 = 1860

Therefore, Sanjitha would have done 1,860 throws during 15 days.

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