Q) Two circles with centres O and O’ of radii 6 cm and 8 cm, respectively intersect at two points P and Q such that OP and O’P are tangents to the two circles. Find the length of the common chord PQ.

Two circles with centres O and O' of radii 6 cm and 8 cm 10th class circles important questions


Since OP is \perp O’P

\therefore OO’2 = OP2 + O’P2   = 62 + 8= 100

OO’ = 10 cm

Let’s consider OA = x, therefore AO’ = 10 – x

Now in Δ POA, AP2 = OP2 – OA2 = 36 – x2 ……………….. (i)

Similarly, Now in Δ PO’A, AP2 = O’P2 – O’A2 = 64 – (10 – x)2 …………. (ii)

From equations (i) and (ii), we get:

36 – x= 64 – (10 – x )2

36 – x= 64 – 100 – x+ 20 x

x = 3.6

From equation (i), AP2 = 36 – (3.6)2

AP = 4.8 cm

By circle’s property, PQ = 2 AP = 9.6 cm

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