Q) From a point on the ground, the angles of elevation of the bottom and top of a transmission tower fixed at the top of 20m high building are 450 and 600 respectively. Find the height of the transmission tower.


Step 1: Let’s start by drawing a diagram for this question:

From a point on the ground, the angles of elevation of the bottom and top of

Here, we can see AB is 20 m high building and PA is the tower on top of building. Angle from Point C to point A is 450 and to Point P is 600. We need to find height H of tower PA.

Step 2:

Let’s start from Δ ABC, here tan C = \frac{AB}{BC}

∴ tan 45 = \frac {20}{D}

∴ 1 = \frac {20}{D}

∴ D = 20 m

Step 3:

Next, Let’s take in Δ PBC, here tan C = \frac{PB}{BC}

∴ tan 60 = \frac {20 + H}{D}

\sqrt 3 = \frac {20 + H}{20}

∴ 20√3 = 20 + H

∴ H = 20√3 – 20 = 20(√3 – 1) = 20 x 0.732 = 14.64m

Therefore, the height of the transmission tower is 20(√3 – 1)m or 14.64m
Note: calculate value in decimal terms, only if it is given that √3 = 1.732 in the question.

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