Q) From a solid cylinder of height 30 cm and radius 7 cm, a conical cavity of height 24 cm and same radius is hollowed out. Find the total surface area of the remaining solid.

Ans: Let’s draw the diagram to capture the shape:

From a solid cylinder of height 30 cm and radius 7 cm, a conical cavity of height 24 cm and same radius is hollowed out. Find the total surface area of the remaining solid.

After taking out the conical shape from cylinder, total surface area of the remaining solid will be:

= Curved surface area of the cylinder + One side base area of the cylinder + Curved surface area of cone

(Note, here one side of the base is removed in the cavity)

= 2 \pi r h + \pi r+ \pi r l

= \pi r  (2 h + r  + l ) …………. (i)

Here, it is given that height of the cylinder, h = 30 cm

radius of the cylinder, r = 7 cm

The slant height of the cone = \sqrt{(7)^2 + (24)^2}  = 25 cm

By transferring these values in the equation (i), we get:

Total Surface area of the remaining solid  = 7 \pi [ 2 x 30 + 7 + 25]  

= 644 \pi

=  (644) (\frac{22}{7})

= 2024 cm2

Therefore, the surface area of the remaining solid is 2024 cm2.

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