Q) Half of the difference between two numbers is 2. The sum of the greater and twice the smaller number is 13. Find the numbers.


Step 1:

Let the numbers be x and y.

Here, x is the greater number and y is the smaller number.

Step 2:

by 1st condition, we get:

½ (x- y) = 2

∴ x – y = 4………….. (i) 

Step 3:

by 2nd condition, we get:

x + 2 y = 13 ………… (ii) 

Step 4:

By subtracting equations (i) from equation (ii), we get: 

(x + 2y) – (x – y) = 13 – 4

∴ x + 2y – x + y = 9

∴ 3 y = 9 

∴ y = 3

Step 5:

By substituting value of y in equation (i), we get:

x = 4 + y

∴ x = 4 + 3

∴ x = 7

Therefore, the numbers are 7 and 3.

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